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Whether your goals are to improve event times, reduce body fat, get stronger lower cholesterol, alleviate chronic pain, finally get off that couch, or achieve a podium finish, the coaches at TFP can help. Our clients range from young to old, from elite athletes to health-seekers, from beginners taking timid step toward fitness to those who have made exercise a lifestyle. TFP Coaches are experienced multi-sport athletes who can help clients identify weaknesses and pinpoint potential. Join TFP as we collectively pursue fuller, fitter lives in our communities.

In 2001, I ran the Chicago Marathon in just over 4 hours. I had always been self-trained and had hit a plateau. I began working the following Summer and have continued to do so for the last 20 years. During that time, I've learned about proper multi-sport training, diet, race fueling and most of all, been welcomed and supported by the TFP Community Matt created. We built up my endurance and strength, along with my mental toughness. I am now a 4-time Ironman Finisher, each one quicker than the one before it, including a Kona Qualification. I have qualified for the Boston Marathon four times. The latest was nearly an hour faster than 20 years ago. Thanks Matt and everyone at TFP."
I've always been a good athlete. So when I signed up for my first triathlon, I didn't do any special training. As I continued to race, I got an itch to do better and be better. I worked with tfp coaches and through their expertise and specialized training plans was able to really improve my skills and times.
Thanks TFP!
"I like working out at the Fitness Pursuit because I get to spend time with my friends and stay fit.
"I began working out at The Fitness Pursuit with the Lose 20-40 program, had good success and then continued with some of the weights and cycling classes. I really found myself enjoying the group exercise and joined the winter running Preseason Perfection to help me get through a half marathon in March. Much to my surprise, I ran that half with a great time only stopping at aid stations! The coaches and fellow athletes are supportive and push me harder than I would push myself."
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